Praise be to Allah, the Most High on the Throne, the Separate from His creation, and the Knowledge is everywhereThe app has several sections, including a books section that contains all the books you can download, and a posts section that is like a small social media and you can see posts without having an accountIt also has a My Books section where all downloaded books go and you can add any book you want to the Favorites sectionBy the grace of Allah, we have installed this application that consists of the books of the Salaf in Kurdish and Arabic, which is the first three generations of this religion, which consists of several parts1- The beliefs of the Kurdish Salaf2- Tafseer of the Arabic-Kurdish Quran3- A section on Korean books on the curriculum of the Salaf4- الذهد عربي5- The beliefs of the Arabic Sunnis6- Sirah al-Nabawiyah Arabi7- Jami al-Matoon Arabic Salaf Beliefs 8- HadithAs Allah commanded His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded his Companions and the Companions commanded those after them ️ اللّٰه جل جلاله if Let us introduce the methodology of the Salaf and our good predecessors to the people for a little while, because the methodology of the Salaf and the good predecessors of the Ummah is very strange We ask Allaah to forgive us our mistakes and continue us on the path that the Salaf of the Ummah followed. Amen